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21st Annual Rack N Roll 9 Ball Open 2024

Details for the tournament

On Sunday 13th October the Rack N Roll will host its 21st Annual 9 Ball Open tournament.

This tournament is an open event.

It is £25 entry fee. For our current winter season league players (and former players who played at least one full season) there will be a maximum of 16 discounted spots available if space available on first paid basis (once all spots taken this will revert to full price).

Details for Tournament

• Doors open at 10.45am with play starting at 11am.
• This is £25 entry fee.

• Limited to 40 maximum entries.

• Pay in advance only. Can pay either via PayPal or cash if popping into the club.
• There will be no refunds once the payment date has passed (8th October).
• Spaces secured on a first paid basis, no matter in what order you sign up.
• There will also be 16 discounted spaces available to our current league players. Division 1/2 or standard it will be £20 entry fee.
• Division 3/4 or standard players it will be £15 entry fee.
• First round group stage. Eight groups with top two from each group through to knockout stage. Race to 5 (or race to 4 if group of 5). Groups to be decided on points, racks won, rack difference, then head to head.
• Single elimination stage race to 7. Alternate break throughout all rounds.
• If you would like to enter then please contact Keith 07917607276 or email to have your name put on the entry list.


Prize money for the tournament based on 32 entrants, on the average of £20 entry fee paid as below.


If not a full paid field or depending on how many discounted entry fees paid in. Then the prize money pay-out will be reduced. 


If maximum field then prize fund will increase.


Winner £220

Runner up £110

Semi Finalist £70

Quarter Finalist £35


Previous winners are:


Ian Welch – 2003, Matt Potter – 2004, Bobby Lee – 2005, Ben Moore – 2006 & 2008, Tommy Donlon – 2007, Craig Osborne – 2009, Benji Buckely - 2010 & 2016 & 2017, 2018 @ 2023, Jack Whelan – 2011, Tem Dixon – 2012, Dave Nelson – 2013, Kev Simpson – 2014 & 2019, Adam Clarke – 2015, Ashik Nathwani – 2020/21, Bash Maqsood – 2022.


The venue is Rack 'n' Roll,


170 Belgrave Gate,



Published Sep 19, 2024


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